Feral Cat Financial Resources-2025

2025 Information will be updated as we receive it from municipalities. The municipalities listed are contracted DIRECTLY with NNN. If you do not see your municipality listed, please contact them for information. There are municipalities that may have contracted with other surgery clinics in your area. Before you schedule, verify any financial assistance for the scheduling team so that you can make informed decisions before trapping. DO NOT trap before you have a plan for appointments and payment.

* To use municipality assistance, you must show proof of residency in a Borough, City or Township to participate.  You must present tax/utility bill for the person living at that residence and admission paperwork for the cats must be the name and address of that residence.

*If a municipality provides vouchers, you must have an appointment at NNN before you can pick them up. 

*You cannot share the vouchers with another person, The vouchers is only valid for the name/address issued on the vouchers. 

* TNR vouchers with the municipalities listed below can ONLY be used at a NNN clinic. 

Berks County, PA 

  • Borough of HAMBURG: FREE Vouchers available at Borough office. Need NNN appointment
  • Borough of LAURELDALE: FREE Vouchers available at Borough office. Need NNN appointment.
  • Borough of LEESPORT: FREE Vouchers available at Borough office. Need NNN appointment.
  • Borough of SHOEMAKERSVILLE: Voucher/s available at Borough Office. $15 co-payment by resident at check in. Cash or credit card. 
  • Borough of WERNERSVILLE: FREE vouchers available at Borough office. Need NNN appointment.
  • EARL Township: FREE vouchers available at municipal office. Need NNN appointment.
  • MUHLENBERG Township – FREE for zip code 19605- must provide proof of residency to schedule.
  • TILDEN Township FREE vouchers available at municipal office. Need NNN appointment.
  • SPRING Township: 1 FREE voucher per household available at admin building. You must submit a property maintenance complaint for feral cats. The Township will send out someone to confirm and you will receive a voucher. NNN will provide an additional 2 vouchers by emailing [email protected] with your name, address, phone and this municipality. You must have received 1 voucher from Spring to qualify. Please use the resources they provide before asking NNN to give you vouchers.

Carbon County   Making It Pawsible www.makingitpawsible.wordpress. $10 per FERAL cat.

Lackawanna County, PA

  •  Borough of DUNMORE: Borough will reimburse resident up to $50 per feral cat. Can use any clinic.
  • Borough of OIL FORGE: FREE vouchers available at municipal building. Must have an appt with NNN 

Lebanon County, PA

  •  MILL CREEK Township: FREE vouchers available at police department; loaner traps at police station,

Lehigh County, PA   This list does not include contracts municipalities may have with other clinics/shelters providing TNR services in Lehigh County. Please contact your municipality for information.

  • Borough of ALBURTIS: FREE voucher/s  available at municipal building
  • Borough of CATASAUQUA:   FREE vouchet/s  available at municipal building.
  • LOWER MILFORD Township:  FREE voucher/s  available at municipal building.
  • UPPER MACUNGIE Township: FREE vouchers  available at municipal building
  • UPPER SAUCON Township: $15 co-pay due at check in. Cash or credit card accepted

Luzerne County, PA

  • Borough of DALLAS: FREE voucher/s available at municipal building. Must have appts to be issued.
  • Borough of DURYEA: FREE voucher/s available at municipal building. Must have appts to be issued.
  • Borough of EDWARDSVILLE: FREE voucher/s available at municipal building. Must have appts to be issued.
  • Borough of KINGSTON: FREE voucher/s  available at municipal building. Must have appts to be issued.
  • Borough of FORTY FORT: FREE voucher/s available at municipal building. Must have appts to be issued.
  • Borough of LAFLIN: FREE vouchers available at municipal building with appointments at NNN
  • Borough of NESCOPECK: FREE vouchers available at municipal building with appointments at NNN
  • Borough of PLYMOUTH: FREE voucher/s available at municipal building
  • Borough of SWOYERSVILLE: FREE voucher/s available at municipal building Must have appts before they will be issued.
  • Borough of WEST Hazleton: FREE vouchers available at municipal building. Must have an appointment to be issued.
  • Borough of WEST Pittston FREE vouchers available at municipal building. Must have an appointment to be issued.
  • BEAR CREEK Township: FREE voucher/s  available at municipal building. Must have appts to be issued.
  •  City of NANTICOKE: Vouchers will be available at municipal building. $15 co-pay required. Cash or credit card at check in
  • DALLAS Township: FREE Vouchers available at municipal building. MUST have appts at NNN
  • EXETER Township: FREE voucher/s  available at municipal building. Must have appts before they will be issued.
  • NEWPORT Township: FREE vouchers available at municipal building Must have appts at NNN before they will be issued.

Monroe County, PA

  • Monroe Animal League provides low-cost vouchers for Monroe County residents to fix pet cats and dogs and feral cats. Visit their website monroeanimals.org to apply. PET cat and dog vouchers can be used at the Allentown clinic 1044 N Quebec ST. EMAIL [email protected] with details about your pet to apply. IMPORTANT! Please visit the NNN website Fees and services page to get detailed information about services BEFORE you apply. NNN does not accept French, English or Exotic bulldogs. NNN does not accept pure breed cats  ie, Persians, Himalayans, Rag Dolls, Maine Coon, Sphynx, Bengals etc. 

Northampton County, PA   This list does not include contracts municipalities may have with other clinics/shelters providing TNR services in Northampton County. Please contact your municipality for information.

  • Borough of HELLERTOWN: FREE. proof of residency required at check in.
  • Borough of NAZARETH: FREE vouchers  available at municipal building. Must have appointments before they will be issued.
  • Borough of NORTHAMPTON: FREE vouchers  available at municipal building. Must have appointments before they will be issued. $15 co-pay due at check-in with cash or credit card.
  • Borough of WIND GAP: FREE vouchers  available at municipal building. Must have appointments before they will be issued.
  • City of BETHLEHEM: email [email protected] or call 610-419-2027.  Must have appointments at NNN. Appointment/s are needed to get voucher/sIf you do not use the voucher for the date issued, the voucher is invalid, and you will need to get another appointment to get another voucher.
  •  City of EASTON: FREE Proof of  residency at check in.
  • LOWER SAUCON Township: FREE Vouchers  available at township building. Must have appointments before they will be issued.
  • PALMER Township: FREE. Proof of residency required at check in. (No vouchers)
  • PLAINFIELD Township: FREE Vouchers available at township building. Must have appointments before they will be issued.

Northumberland County

  •   Borough of MOUNT CARMEL: FREE vouchers at municipal office, Must have appointments at NNN
  • NEW!!! 2025 MOUNT CARMEL Township: Free vouchers at municipal building. Must have appointments at NNN

Schuylkill  County

  • Making it Pawsible– www.makingitpawsible.wordpress  $10 per FERAL cat

Wyoming County

  • Borough of FACTORYVILLE: FREE vouchers available with appointments at NNN

If you have a large colony, please apply for SPAYUSA funding though the North Shore Animal League. It is a lottery system. Details are below.

SPAYUSA   www.animalleague.org/get-involved/spay-usa  

This fund is provided by the North Shore Animal League and is for stray/feral cats only – no pets. The fund award is a partial amount per cat: $25 towards the $40 fee. You will be responsible for a $15 copay per cat. ALL cats will be ear tipped.

You can apply from the 1st -15th of the month. Not everyone who applies will get funding that month, but you can re-apply the following month. The awards will be announced after the 16th. If you are contacted that you will get funding, you will need to wait until NNN has receives the award letter/check with your name, phone number and the amount awarded BEFORE you can make appts at NNN. A scheduler at NNN will contact you so that you can make appointments at the NNN location you choose to use (Allentown, Plains or Reading)

Your application will ask for the following about NNN:

  • Contact Phone number: 484.274.4833
  • NNN business address: 1044 N Quebec St. Allentown PA 18109 (This is where the award letter/ check is sent not where you want to get cats done).
  • Contact name for NNN: Ashley Seidel:  [email protected] 

*** Funds are sent to NNN from SPAYUSA and cannot be used at another participating clinic or given to someone else to use. You have 90 days to use the funds. If you need an extension, you can contact SPAYUSA. If you have received funding in the past, you will need to wait 1 year before re-applying.


2024 No Nonsense Neutering TNR fund. 

$15 Vouchers limited to 2 per household. Vouchers will be provided when you get APPOINTMENT/s. There will be a $15 fee per voucher to be paid at CHECK IN either by cash or credit card. Bring the paper vouchers with you. Vouchers cannot be transferred to another person.

There is no form. This is an email application:

 1st STEP   Email [email protected] with your name, address, phone number and your municipality, i.e. Borough, City, Township. Upon receipt of your request for 2 cats, you will be emailed back that you are approved from this site.

2nd STEP:  GET your appointments through this website. www.nnnlv.org. Book Now aka LION appointments. OR book on a Cat Transport. Dates and locations found on Cat Transport 2025 website page when available.

IMPORTANT 3rd STEP Once you get the email confirmation of your appointment date from scheduling, EMAIL:

  • [email protected] with the date of your surgery, your name and email address and you will be sent your 2 vouchers via email. You will need to print them and bring with you as your payment along with $15 per voucher payment. Cash or credit card at check in. These are not transferrable to another person.
  • Loaner traps are available at the clinic with a refundable $25 deposit pr trap 1 week prior to your surgery date. NNN also has 1 drop trap per clinic.